J-AASJ 2021-1 vol.3







表紙写真:福岡県宗像市 沖ノ島の北極星 一の岳灯台、山頂を望む、撮影 山村善太郎 




●巻頭言 上田晴彦


●大湯環状列石の岩石配置図に関する検証 平津豊

Verification of rock layout of Oyu Stone Circles. (Yutaka HIRATSU)

●遺跡大湯環状列石の天体観測 柳原輝明

Astronomical observation of the Oyu Stone Circles. (Teruaki YANAGIHARA)

●岐阜県中津川市・恵那市・八百津町・川辺町・美濃加茂市・関市まで約48km・北緯35度31分40秒ライン上に並ぶ巨石ネットワークとは 小林由来(金山巨石群リサーチセンター代表)

What is the megalithic network on the 48 km long, 35 degrees 31 minutes 40 seconds north latitude, line through Nakatsugawa City, Ena City, Yaotsu Town, Kawabe Town, Minokamo City, Seki City, Gifu Prefecture? (Yoshiki KOBAYASHI) (Kanayama Megaliths Research Center)

●藤原京・新益京という「京の二重構造」(続報) 桜田和之

"Double structure of Jobo" called Fujiwara-kyo and Aramashi-kyo (Part 2) (Kazuyuki SAKURADA)

●周易八卦図に基づく前漢長安城の主軸線設定プラン 桜田和之

Major axes setting plan of Former Han Chang’an Castle based on the I Ching bagua (Kazuyuki SAKURADA)

●日本における考古天文学の現状と課題 北條芳隆

Current situation and issues of archaeoastronomy in Japan. (Yoshitaka HOJO)


●地図の種類 平津豊


●第1回 奈良県山添村・シンポジウム報告

学会誌 要約紹介 通巻3 2021年1巻1号

VOL3-1◆ 大湯環状列石の岩石配置図に関する検証   平津豊

Verification of rock layout of Oyu Stone Circles      Yutaka HIRATSU


Regarding the Oyu Stone Circles, which is a representative stone circle in Japan, the author pointed out the deficiencies in the rock layouts depicted in past reports. Then, the author presented a map of the rock layout, which is believed to be correct at this time, with the orientation of the sun as of 2000 BC.

The Oyu Stone Circles are said to have been built with the summer solstice in mind.

However, the line connecting the center of the Manza Stone Circles and the sundial stone arrangement deviates from the direction of sunset at the summer solstice, so the author asked this theory to reconsider.

VOL3-2◆ 遺跡大湯環状列石の天体観測   柳原輝明

Astronomical observation of the Oyu Stone Circles   Teruaki YANAGIHARA


It is said that one of the roles of the Oyu Stone Circles is an astronomical observation . The terrain in which the sun enters and exits as seen from the sundial stones in the ruins was identified by astronomical simulation, and it was verified whether it was a characteristic terrain. The results confirmed that the sun was clearly entering and exiting the intentional terrain. In addition, assuming that the colonnade at the ruins is a star observation device, we verified which star it points to by astronomical simulation. As a result, it became clear that the appearance of the dawn of Sirius might have predicted the harvest time of chestnuts, which is important for the Jomon people. From this, it can be said that the archaeological site Oyu Stone Circles is an astronomical observation site.


VOL3-3◆ 岐阜県中津川市・恵那市・八百津町・川辺町・美濃加茂市・関市まで約48km・北緯35度31分40秒ライン上に並ぶ巨石ネットワークとは小林由来

What is the megalithic network on the 48 km long, 35 degrees 31 minutes 40 seconds north latitude, line through Nakatsugawa City, Ena City, Yaotsu Town, Kawabe Town, Minokamo City, Seki City, Gifu Prefecture?  Yoshiki KOBAYASHI


The Kanayama Megaliths Research Center is currently conducting an extension of the Nakatsugawa City megalith group survey that started in 2018. It extends the survey over a range of about 48 km to Seki City. So far, at least 14 megaliths have been confirmed on the east-west line at latitude 35 degrees 31 minutes 40 seconds north. The locations include Nakatsugawa City, Ena City, Yaotsu Town, Kawabe Town, Minokamo City, and Seki City. Among them, there are seven megaliths within a range of about 2.5 km from Seki City Bouji to Nishikamino, and the megaliths are lined up at intervals that allow them to be visible to each other. In these megalithic groups, there are mainly observations of the rising or setting sun in the spring and autumn equinoxes, and megalithic structures that can observe the North Star.Estimating the age from the observation of the North Star, one theory is based on the time when Thuban in Draco was shining as the North Star; it was about 4500 years ago due to the influence of the precession of the Earth. In other words, it can be thought of as a megalithic observatory dating back to the Jomon period, similar to the Kanayama megaliths. Also, from the archaeological background, the east-west line of about 48 km runs through the area where Jomon archaeological sites are concentrated, and it overlaps with the east-west line of the old mountain road.   It can be considered that these megalithic groups were deeply connected to the people living with the sun during the Jomon period, and that a megalithic network was constructed through the communication of people in various places.


VOL3-4◆ 藤原京・新益京という「京の二重構造」(続報) 桜田和之

"Double structure of Jobo" called Fujiwara-kyo and Aramashi-kyo (Part 2) Kazuyuki SAKURADA



In the previous paper, it was revealed that by restoring Suzaku-oji Street of Fujiwara-kyo, two Imperial capital cities with different deflection angles of the central axis, Fujiwara-kyo created in the period of Empress Jito and Aramashi-kyo created in the period of Emperor Monmu, overlapped in a two-layered structure, and Daigokuden in Fujiwara-kyo was transformed into Suzaku-mon Gate in Aramashi-kyo. In this paper, by restoring Shijo-oji Street, I clarified that Nishi-gobo Street was at the west end of Fujiwara-kyo. As a result, a Jobo standard was proposed for each of the two overlapping Kyo, and both Fujiwara-kyo and Aramashi-kyo were restored to nine Bo-districts through north to south, and ten Bo-districts through east to west. A capital city very similar to this is Kin-kyo in Silla. To replace Daigokuden of Fujiwara-kyo with Suzaku-mon Gate of Aramashi-kyo, Aramashi-kyo had a double-sized-Jobo standard compared to Fujiwara-kyo. On Shijo-oji Street, as on Suzaku-oji Street, the phenomenon of Jobo's leftward rotation can be detected, and it was possible to confirm the time-dependent leftward rotation of the Asuka type 'Celestial Central Axis'. Most of the gutter remnants of precedence Jobo inside of the Fujiwara Palace were dug during the period from 704 to 705, when Fujiwara-kyo was expanded to Aramashi-kyo.

The transfer of the Imperial palace from Fujiwara Palace to Aramashi Palace took place in April 705, but the calamity never stopped, and it seems that the Yamato Court had already admitted the failure of the relocation of the palace in June of the year, then started to consider transferring the capital.


VOL3-5◆ 周易八卦図に基づく前漢長安城の主軸線設定プラン 桜田和之

Major axes setting plan of Former Han Chang’an Castle based on the I Ching bagua   Kazuyuki SAKURADA





The two main axes, the east-west and the north-south direction, coexist in Chang'an Castle in the Former Han, and these main axes are set based on the King Wen bagua diagram. The major axis in the east-west direction is the Zhen-Dui line in the diagram, which depicts the Celestial Central Axis connecting the vernal equinox (east) and the autumnal equinox (west) at the sunrise on the vernal equinox on the ground.

When Gaozu Liu Bang founded Han, it is said that the auspicious omen of five planets gathered at the Well mansion appeared in October of the first year of Emperor Gao's reign. The celestial phenomena at that time were pictured on the ground, and they were the Tianqi Shrine and the five planet-stylobates remaining on the Tianjing'an village on the Loess Plateau. The five planet-stylobates were arranged based on the Silk Texts bagua. The major axis in the north-south direction is a straight line with a total length of 77 km starting at the Mercury stylobate and ending at the Meridian Valley south end in Nanshan, passing through the South Gate of Changling and the South Gate of Chang'an Castle along the way. The northern end of the main axis is the Mercury stylobate, which proves that the Virtue of the early Former Han dynasty was the Water phase of the Wuxing. This major axis is the Kan-Li line in the King Wen bagua, which depicts the Celestial Central Axis connecting the Wall mansion, the Tenno Taitei(天皇大帝), the Zenith and the determinative star of the Chariot mansion that appeared just before the sunrise in October of the first year of Emperor Gao's reign on the ground. The Celestial Central Axis was accompanied by the appearance of the Celestial Circle (the Milky Way which looks like a circle), which is why Han used 'Han(漢)' as the name of the dynasty. In addition, the shape of the north wall of the castle was modeled after the shape of the Big Dipper at that time, and the shape of the south wall of the castle was modeled after the Milk Dipper(i.e. the Dipper mansion), which was the place where the sun was moving south in the daytime. This is why Chang’an Castle was called the Dipper Castle(斗城).

The Celestial Central Axis in the east-west direction does not rotate with time, but the Celestial Central Axis in the north-south direction rotates to the left with time due to the Axial precession effect. The deflection angle of the major axis in the north-south direction at Chang’an Castle is +0.0914 degrees, which corresponds to the angle of the Celestial Central Axis in the north-south direction in 177 B.C. It is considered that the north-south axis was actually set in 201 B.C., which means that Han used the Celestial Central Axis 24 years later to set the north-south axis of the Castle. Therefore, it is considered that the procedure of the Scheduled Year was already introduced in the Former Han period. 

VOL3-6◆ [寄稿]日本における考古天文学の現状と課題 北條芳隆(東海大学教授)

Current situation and issues of archaeoastronomy in Japan   Yoshitaka HOJO












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