J-AASJ 2020-1 vol.2







表紙写真:熊本県阿蘇郡 押戸石の丘、撮影 山村善太郎


●巻頭言 上田晴彦



●天白遺跡 ―星と太陽の祭祀遺跡― 柳原輝明

Tenpaku Ruins ―Religious sites of the Stars and the Sun――(Teruaki YANAGIHARA)

●東三河の神奈備山群とイワクラ配置から見える天文考古学的要素 前田 豊

Astronomical archaeological elements that can be seen from the arrangement of Kannabi Mountains and Iwakura in Higashimikawa area.   (Yutaka MAEDA)

●日本の都城における中軸線設定プランと祭祀 桜田和之

Central Axis setting plan and ritual in ancient Japanese capitals   (Kazuyuki SAKURADA)

●藤原京・新益京という「京の二重構造」 桜田和之

"Double structure of Jobo" called Fujiwara-kyo and Aramashi-kyo   (Kazuyuki SAKURADA)

●Shedding Light on the Strong Astronomical Association of the Matsuyama-Shiraishi-no-hana Megaliths (Kunihiko SHINOZAWA)



●フナ岩を中心とした中津川市の巨石群 ~その後の調査と考察~ 小林由来

Megaliths in Nakatsugawa City centered on Funa-iwa: Subsequent Investigation and Study 




●位置の測定 平津豊



学会誌 要約紹介 通巻2 2020年1巻1号

◆Vol2-1◆ 天白遺跡 ―星と太陽の祭祀遺跡―柳原輝明

Tenpaku Ruins ―Religious sites of the Stars and the Sun―Teruaki YANAGIHARA


Since the Jomon period, there has been a folk belief called the Tenpaku faith, which prays for the star god, water god, and easy delivery. We will prove that the "Tenpaku Ruins" in Mie Prefecture are Tenpaku Religious Sites based on the presence or absence of the star god faith. As a result, it was revealed that the sun and other special stars dwell on the tops of the 12 triangular pyramid-shaped Kamiyamas surrounding the archaeological site, it might be a Tenpaku faith site.

◆Vol2-2◆ 東三河の神奈備山群とイワクラ配置から見える天文考古学的要素~豊橋市・石巻山を中心とする遙拝遺跡の配置時期の考察~  前田 豊

Astronomical archaeological elements that can be seen from the arrangement of Kannabi Mountains and Iwakura in Higashimikawa area.-A study of the era of arrangement of the ancient ruins around Mt. Ishimaki in Toyohashi City-Yutaka MAEDA


The survey of the locations of Kannabi type mountains and Iwakura including Mt. Ishimaki in Higashimikawa, shows that Tadako Hachiman Shrine, Takai Shohachiman Shrine, and Ishimaki-top Shrine form an equilateral triangle. In addition, Suse-Shohachiman Shrine and Tame-Kasuga Shrine are symmetrical in north-south direction , and the Ishimaki Shrine first torii gate in the west and Kirino-Myojin Shrine in the east are also symmetrical.  Looking from the top of the mountain, which is considered to be a sacred, these deviation angles about 5 to 7 degrees to the left with respect to the east-west, north-south axis. Considering that this is same to 5 degree left angle shift in the Kuromata survey, the equivalent era is thought to be about 5 thousand years ago.

◆Vol2-3◆ 日本の都城における中軸線設定プランと祭祀 桜田和之

Central Axis setting plan and ritual in ancient Japanese capitals       Kazuyuki SAKURADA


Through the introduction of the Genka calendar and Buddhism and the fall of Mimana in the Kinmei dynasty, the Yamato Imperial Court promoted the Central Axis setting plan of capitals in order to modernize the rituals. The Asuka-type Central Axis setting plan was formulated by the Soga clan. The Central Axis in heaven passes through "Encampment -Tenno Taitei (Polestar) -Zenith-Wings", and the Emperor's name was taken from the Tenno Taitei. The αHercules star which was said to be the outer seat of the Tenno Taitei, also played an important role in rituals. Based on the Asuka-type Central Axis setting plan, the construction of Nakatsumichi started in the Bidatsu dynasty, and the construction of Asuka-dera Temple with the Nakatsumichi as the central axial line started at the end of the Sushun dynasty. The Central Axis in heaven was considered to be the line connecting the Boar and the Serpent that appeared on the day of the descent to earth of the grandson of the sun goddess about 1.79 million years ago. The Kitora celestial chart shows the astronomical arrangement at that time. Since 704, when the 7th envoy to Tang Dynasty China returned to Japan, the concept of the Scheduled Year was introduced into the Central Axis setting plan, and it was used to set the Central Axis of Heijokyo, Nagaokakyo and Heiankyo.

◆Vol2-4◆ 藤原京・新益京という「京の二重構造」 桜田和之

"Double structure of Jobo" called Fujiwara-kyo and Aramashi-kyo       Kazuyuki SAKURADA


According to my research on the Central Axis setting plan of capitals, two Central Axes with different swing angles coexist in the Jobo area called Aramashi-kyo. It was clarified that Fujiwara-kyo built by Empress Jito and Aramashi-kyo built by Emperor Mommu were double-structured and overlapped. Aramashi-kyo is an extension of Fujiwara-kyo, but it was not only expanded, but also changed the axis direction of Jobo including Suzaku-oji Street, and the palace was relocated to another place. The Yamato Imperial Court up to Fujiwara-kyo was wrong in the ritual method, believing that the rotating center point of the Central Axis over time on the ground should be at the main sanctuary (Daigokuden). In capitals after Aramashi-kyo, the center point of the rotation has been changed to Suzakumon, the central gate of an imperial palace. The structure of Fujiwara-kyo, which was advocated in 1996 and was said to be based on Rites of Zhou, was seen by placing the Fujiwara Palace Site in the Jobo of Aramashi-kyo.