J-AASJ 2019-1 vol.1









表紙写真:福岡県糸島市 夏の糸島の二見ヶ浦、撮影 山村善太郎

●巻頭言 上田晴彦

●論文 ストーンヘンジの宇宙 樋口元康   Cosmology of Stonehenge (Motoyasu HIGUCHI)

●天体と強い相関関係がある松山・白石の鼻巨石群について 篠澤邦彦  On The Matsuyama Shiraishi-no-hana Megaliths, which have a strong correlation with celestial bodies (Kunihiko SHINOZAWA)

●天文シュミレーションソフトによる古代遺跡の年代推定の試み 柳原輝明  An attempt to estimate the age of ancient ruins using astronomical simulation software (Teruaki YANAGIHARA)

●岐阜県の巨石群「金山巨石群とフナ岩の太陽観測システム」 小林由来  The Kanayama Megaliths and Funa Iwa Solar Observation System of Gifu Prefecture (Yoshiki KOBAYASHI)

●中国都城の中軸線設定プラン 北京城、隋唐洛陽城、隋唐長安城について 桜田和之  The methodology used in the designing of the principal axis on the sites of the ancient Chinese capital cities including Beijing, Luoyang and Chang'an (Kazuyuki SAKURADA)

●前漢の二十八宿天体暦 汝陰侯墓出土円儀の天文学的考察 江頭 務  The ephemerides of the twenty-eight lunar mansions in the Former Han. Astronomical study on the round instruments from the tomb of the Marquis of Ruyin (Tsutomu EGASHIRA)

●天文考古学 酒船石は太陽観測器機 古代人は日出・日没線の変化を知っていた! 桜井邦朋  Astronomical archeology ,"Sakafuneishi" is solar observation equipment (Kunitomo SAKURAI)

●遺跡紹介  堯の都 陶寺遺跡(世界最古級の観象台遺跡) 桜田和之

●テクニカルワンポイント 方位の測定 平津豊




学会誌 要約紹介 通巻1 2019年1巻1号

◆Vol1-1◆ ストーンヘンジの宇宙     樋口元康 (天文研究家)

Cosmology of Stonehenge.   Motoyasu HIGUCHI(Astronomical researcher)

英国の巨石遺跡ストーンヘンジは、環状に造られた巨石配置の中央から夏至の日の出を観察することができる。天文シミュレーションソフトのステラナビゲータに、Google Earth の画像を取り込み、巨石サークルが建造されたとされる紀元前2600年の夏至の日の出のシミュレーションを試みた。サークル中心から見ると、北極星観測と天の川観測の指標となる巨石配置があることから、日本の縄文時代と共通の宇宙観があったのではと推定する。

Stonehenge, the British megalithic site, allows you to observe the sunrise on the summer solstice from the center of the ring of megaliths.This paper is an attempt to simulate the sunrise of the summer solstice in 2600 BC, when the megalithic circle was built, incorporating Google Earth images into the stellar navigator of the astronomical simulation software.Furthermore, from the center of the circle, it is assumed that there was a common view of the universe as in the Jomon period in Japan due to the arrangement of megaliths that serve as an indicator for Arctic star observation and the Milky Way observation.

◆Vol1-2◆ 天体と強い相関関係がある松山・白石の鼻巨石群について        篠澤邦彦(白石の鼻巨石群調査委員会)

On the Matsuyama Shiraishi-no-hana Megaliths, which have a strong correlationwith clestial bodies.                            Kunihiko SHINOZAWA(Shiroishi-no-hana Megalith Group Investigation Committee)


◆Vol1-3◆ 天文シュミレーションソフトによる古代遺跡の年代推定の試み      柳原輝明(イワクラ(磐座)学会副会長)

An attempt to estimate the age of ancient ruins using astronomical simulation software.                               Teruaki YANAGIHARA(Vice chairman of Iwakura Study Society)



Abstract: In Yamazoe village in Nara Prefecture where people have lived since the early days of the Jomon period , there is a beautiful mountain called "Kounoyama ". In the mountain are the rock group like a river and the megalith.It discovered that these were reflecting the Milky Way and the Summer Triangle and also reflecting the North Pole Star and the Winter Triangle. The arrangement of these rocks is assuming that Kounoyama is celestial sphere.Also, it thought that would reflected the starry sky of the Jomon period. Therefore, by using the astronomical simulation software, we tried to estimate the age of the ancient ruins that reflected the stars by comparing the positions and shapes of the stars in the Jomon period.

◆Vol1-4◆ 岐阜県の巨石群「金山巨石群とフナ岩の太陽観測システム」       小林由来(金山巨石群リサーチセンター代表)

The Kanayama Megaliths and Funa Iwa Solar Observation System of Gifu Prefecture  Yoshiki KOBAYASHI (Kanayama Megalith Group Research Center)


The Kanayama Megaliths Research Center has been investigating two megalith locations in Gifu Prefecture since 1997. From the Jōmon period, both sites have been making observations of the rising sun, continuing an ancient calendar. The first is the Kanayama Megaliths situated in a mountainous region of Gero City. Here there are megalith constructions that, through solar observations, divide into four zones the sun's span in the sky (the span traversed by the sun during the year between the summer and winter turning points). The days of these turning points were also noticed in ancient Egyptian monuments. While it would seem that a mountainous region is an unsuitable environment for making solar observations, spotlights entering the megalith grouping enables the determination of the count of days in a year as well as the four-year leap-year cycle. Furthermore, in the flat region of Nakatsugawa City stands Maruyama Jinja's Funa-iwa boulder, a large fish-shaped monument at the foot of a small mountain. On the mountain are a number of megaliths for making solar observations all four seasons of the year. This area has a lot of Jōmon settlements. The lifestyle of the Jōmon period was centered around the solar cycle. The ancient people who received the blessings of the natural world well knew the solar cycle. We are wondering where on this earth might there be other hidden megaliths constructed for the solar calendar.

◆Vol1-5◆ 中国都城の中軸線設定プラン、北京城、隋唐洛陽城、隋唐長安城について 桜田和之

The methodology used in the designing of the principal axis on the sites of the ancient Chinese capital cities including Beijing, Luoyang and Chang'an.    Kazuyuki SAKURADA


◆Vol1-6◆ 前漢の二十八宿天体暦 汝陰侯墓出土円儀の天文学的考察        江頭 務 (東洋天文学史研究家)

The ephemerides of the twenty-eight lunar mansions in the Former Han Astronomical study on the round instruments from the tomb of the Marquis of Ruyin.  Tsutomu EGASHIRA(Researcher of orient astronomical history)


Up to now, the three round instruments < Rikujin form disk(六壬式盤), Taiitsu nine palaces disk(太乙九宮占盤), the twenty-eight lunar mansions disk(二十八宿円盤)> from the tomb of the Marquis of Ruyin have been studied individually on the history of Chinese astronomy.This paper simulated the twenty-eight lunar mansions using astronomy software under an assumption that the three round instruments discovered from the same tomb have close astronomical relations.

As a result, the calendar of Rikujin form disk followed the equal dividing method on the twenty four seasonal datum points indicated by Taiitsu nine palaces disk. Rikujin form disk displayed the twenty-eight lunar mansions at the midnight (0:00am) which is the first time on a day in ancient China.And the twenty-eight lunar mansions disk made it clear to possess the function of the present star chart disk which makes the South Pole in heaven the revolving center.

◆Vol1-7◆ 天文考古学 酒船石は太陽観測器機 古代人は日出・日没線の変化を知っていた!   桜井邦朋  (宇宙物理学者、元神奈川大学教授)

Astronomical archeology ,"Sakafuneishi" is solar observation equipment.  Kunitomo SAKURAI (Astrophysicist, Former Kanagawa University professor)

本稿では、奈良県の飛鳥にある酒船石とよばれる巨石遺跡その他の 天文考古学的な研究について、まず紹介し、次いで、天文考古学とよぶ学問の将来について簡単にふれることにする。この発展途上にある学問に対する評価は、現在においても、学界内では賛否半ばしているといってよいかもしれない。だが、アメリカとイギりスでは、天文考古学に関する専門研究誌が発刊されているし、アメリカ天文学会には、歴史天文学(Historical Astronomy)とよばれる分科会が10年前に成立しており、年2回開かれる学会で、多方面にわたる研究成果が公表されている。我が国では、この方面の研究者がまだ少ないようである。天文考古学的な遺跡と想定されるものが、我が国に少ないという事情もあろうが、この方面の研究が日本でも大いにすすめられてほしいと考えるのは、私一人だけではないであろう。



